
VW Want to Be King of Electric Cars

| Tuesday |

- Frankfurt, a German manufacturer, Volkswagen AG, continued to hard work, to become king of electric cars in the next 2018 years, or 5 years after they launched the first production series. In fact, the CEO of Volkswagen, Martin Winterkorn said the goal is to become the largest market leader of European E-car in the Year 2018, which could represent at least 3 percent of all sales of electric cars. "We want to reach an electric vehicle market share of three percent in the whole product," he said, as reported by AFP. Volkswagen had hoped to be in front of their biggest competitors later, the giant Japanese manufacturer, Toyota, where VW is still far below Toyota in a hybrid car. But starting in 2013, they plan to market all models E-UP electricity. And in the coming months, VW will test a range of road vehicles with up to 150 km distance, the main strategic markets of Europe, North America and China. Then, VW will begin marketing a hybrid version of the VW Jetta in the United States in 2012, which began in 2013, models such as Golf and Jetta would sell a lot and made Volkswagen brands dominate the market and hybrid electric. So also with the Audi, which said it will launch a hybrid version of the Q5 at the end of the year is 2010, and followed by the introduction of unlimited e-Tron Audi in 2012.