
Survey: Consumer Interest in iPad down

| Wednesday |

At first, the Apple iPad presence of highly anticipated. But as a tablet computer Apple is on display, the level of consumer interest decline. This was revealed in a survey by the shopping website, Retrevo, the 1000 respondents. Before iPad is launched, only 26 percent of respondents who are not interested in buying iPad though they heard the news about this device. and, after Apple's latest products launched to the public, the number of respondents who had heard the news about the iPad, still not interested in buying. and the number of people who will buy iPad ensure only slightly increased. Before iPad released, 3 percent of respondents claimed to buy it. When launched, the number to 9percent. Some 21 percent of respondents are interested in iPad but as reported by the Telegraph, they need additional information before deciding to buy it. Indeed iPad response varies from analysts or consumers. Some rate is quite a revolutionary product, some consider it less good product, for example because they do not have multitasking capabilities. But that does not mean iPad will fail in the market, let alone Retrevo's survey covers only a small part of consumers. Analysts at Needham & Co.. iPad estimates will sell 2million units this year and 6million units in 2011.