
Chevrolet Captiva recall

| Sunday |

American car manufacturers, General Motors (GM), recall 2065 units of Chevrolet Captiva in China market, because of problems indicated on the wheel. Shanghai GM, which is a joint venture between General Motors Corp. GM.UL and China's SAIC Motor Corp. revealed that the tensile Captiva from Captiva market is that they import from South Korea. Because the Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) Chevrolet pledge made by GM Daewoo Automotive and Technology before the end of 2007 because of alleged interference with the risk of having his steering wheel. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIC), Captiva, Captiva said it experienced a malfunction in the steering wheel and must be remedied. Shanghai GM also directly respond to it quickly. The plan they will be called Captiva owners to repair, although there has been no complaint about that section.