

| Wednesday |

Cities in the United States, are competing to seduce Google. Along with testing plan of the high-speed internet offered Google, around 20 cities want to take part so they try a variety of interesting ways that the Internet giant. After the Topeka Kansas area declared itself as a city of Google, other regions soon followed a similar initiative. City of Sarasota in Florida in the form of islands, for example, changed its name to the island of Google. "We have little time to draw attention. Many racing community take the opportunity so that we do everything we can," said Rich Swier, Jr., in Sarasota businessman who helped support the idea that unique. Officials in the city of Duluth, Minnesota did not want to lose. They post videos on YouTube joke that says every child the first man born in the city was renamed to be 'Google Fiber'. To be named girls 'Googlette Fiber'. While the campaign in the city of Sarasota was quite excited. Asked citizens to join the Facebook group to unite asked Google chose them. Yes, Facebook, including facilities that feel powerful campaigns for these cities to realize the dream got super-speed internet from Google. about 200 Facebook group dedicated to lobbying Google. Google is pushing the region who want to go on trial to nominate themselves at the latest March 26. The lucky ones will be the test that claimed Google internet 100 times faster than existing services today.