
The First Hybrid Ferrari with F1 technology

| Friday |

- Geneva, The global automotive industry competition to produce environmentally friendly cars, seem to make a lot of parties to participate in producing cars greener. Not only ordinary car manufacturers, manufacturers car like Ferrari even exotic was also followed this trend and showed their first hybrid car at the Geneva Auto Show. Environmentally friendly cars Ferrari's are not only going to use hybrid technology, but also will take the all-wheel drive system (AWD). As one of the players in Formula 1, Ferrari KERS system also apply (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) in their hybrid car. That is the difference between hybrid Ferrari with another hybrid. This system can save fuel consumption and lower emissions. This means that, in addition to saving KERS systems can also make this Ferrari to be more environmentally friendly. KERS
Promised Ferrari will improve fuel efficiency by 30 percent. Thanks to the root of this F1, Ferrari KERS hybrid system will provide tremendous impetus enough to touch the buttons. "That was one of the avant-garde technology. We're building a car with most of the parts are of innovative technologies. We will present a hybrid version of 599 in Geneva, which would represent a big way towards the future," Ferrari chairman Luca said in Montezemolo. Ferrari 599 itself first appeared in 2006 and then, and indeed since then rumors of a hybrid version of its already much in circulation. Time of introduction of these hybrid vehicles, including 599fast. Because previous rumors talk that the 2014 Geneva Auto Show is the new car will come out. Possible first hybrid car that Ferrari will combine power from the battery with the engine to a V8 configuration that would continue to offer the sensation of driving like a sports car even though it is a hybrid cars.