
Recall Millions of Cars Boss Toyota Ready Witnessing in the U.S. Congress

| Friday |

- Nagoya, President of Toyota Motor Corp., Akio Toyoda was ultimately decided to testify before Congress next week. Toyoda previously said it would not attend the meeting. As quoted by Reuters on Friday (19/2/2010) Toyoda said he will explain about the campaign safety cars Toyota in front of members of Congress. Akio Toyoda, grandson of the founder of the Toyota was finally accepted an invitation from the U.S. Congress to testify on Wednesday, February 24, 2010. Decision Toyoda end the uncertainty about how Toyota will respond to the case of a recall of millions of cars in the U.S. and other countries. "I will speak directly with Congress and the American people," says Toyoda. Toyoda previously said it would send an envoy of Chief's Toyota in North America Yoshimi Inaba and several other executives to testify in U.S. Congress. The issue was last in circulation is about the possibility of damage to power steering on the sedan the best-selling Toyota, the Toyota Corolla. Toyota is currently under investigation. "The number of complaints a little under 100," said Executive Vice President of Toyota Motor Corp., Shinichi Sasaki. But if Toyota really pull back the Corolla, the image of Toyota in the eyes of the United States would be worse. Meanwhile, as quoted just auto, Toyota promises to improve the quality of its cars in the near future.
Improving the quality of Toyota cars were planned to be in announced appointed chief in charge of the quality of Toyota cars and then they will be in place in each area where Toyota marketed. Steps were taken to prevent the return of consumer complaints over poor-quality Toyota cars. Previously they join and run tangggung he replied, head of Toyota's quality control will be called to join the discuss the quality of Toyota cars for the global market. The plan's first meeting will take place on March 30, 2010 by creation of conducive conditions in the Japanese Toyota or Toyota in other countries, such as the U.S. one of Toyota's largest market. The meeting will be chaired Akio Toyoda. "The goal is to get control over 24 hours of all activities including quality control at Toyota factories, including reports on the incident that occurred in the field," Toyoda said.