
English Schools Ban Valentine's Day Cards

| Saturday |

Valentine's Day has come. A school in England forbade his disciples to send greeting cards on Valentine's Day is commemorated every year on February 14 it. The reason, they are not yet mature enough for anything romantic. The ban was imposed in Ashcombe Primary School in Somerset, southwest England. Students in the school between the ages of 4-11 years. The school threatened to confiscate all the cards found in the school environment. Such as reported by British newspapers, the Times, "Some children and parents a lot of talk about boyfriends," writes Peter Turner principals in the monthly report of the school. "But we believe the matter should wait until children are mature enough emotionally and socially to understand the commitment involved in having or being the girlfriend," Turner writes in a letter addressed to the parents. However, these principals reaped criticism from parents over the ban. According to the two Takyar Rajeev son Jai (the 11th) and Aryan (5) is a school student, the ban was not reasonable. "Especially next? Prohibit their means to stop the children have social skills. How they'll learn about the relationship?" Takyar said. The school has 419 students.