
Dangerous Blizzard Threatens Washington

| Saturday |

- Washington, very dangerous blizzard threatens the United States capital, Washington. A number of activities in the U.S. capital even after the rain stops snow continuing on Friday, February 5 local time. Airlines airlines canceled flights. Schools closed. The U.S. government workers sent home even earlier. Snow storm is expected soon swept Washington, Baltimore and most of the eastern U.S. region. The National Weather Agency or the National Weather Service (NWS) issued a blizzard warning for the Washington, Baltimore, Indiana, New York and North Carolina. "The storm will impact significantly in most areas throughout the Saturday," warned NSW as reported by AFP news agency, Saturday (6-2-2010). NSW estimates that Washington will be the most severe snow storm hit which is likely to be terdahsyat blizzard in the history of the modern city. Snow is estimated to be 76cm over Washington. This will break the record snowfall in Washington 88 years ago is as thick as 71 cm. Snow storm that hit Washington in January 1922 and killed nearly 100 people. The snow was accompanied by strong winds NSW was described as "dangerous and threaten the safety". For that NSW issued a harsh warning for all residents to stay inside the house. U.S. Capital rare snow storms. According to the NSW, since 1870the Washington area experienced more rain than snow as much as 30.5 inches 13times, including six weeks ago when the snow storm in December 2009 and created the 41 cm of snow in Washington.