- Niamey, Niger military forces expected to stage a coup. The President and several ministers were arrested and are being held in military barracks. As reported by AFP, Friday (19/2/2010), a French diplomat who served in Niamey, Niger said that military forces attacked the presidential complex after a deadly firefight on Thursday (18 / 2). Military later captured President Mamadou Tandja and several ministers. "This happened after the cabinet to a meeting. Visible President Tandja in the hands of the rebels and the government cabinet members are also in their hands," said a diplomat who was unnamed. An African diplomat also confirmed that coup. "Tandja in them," he said. Tandja and a number of ministers are now believed to be in one of the military headquarters in Tondibia, 20 kilometers west of Niamey.
Niger launches military coup, President and Ministers held at the Barracks