
Buried 27 days, a men of earthquake victims in Haiti, Welfare

| Tuesday |

A man in Haiti earthquake victims managed to survive for 27 days under the ruins. A man named Evans was admitted Monsigrace was cooking when the earthquake happened last January 12. "Amazing he can get out after 27 days. This is so amazing, and we were grateful to meet him here," hospital doctors said University of Miami, Dr. Dushyantha Jayaweera, as reported by AFP, Wednesday (10/2/2010). According to Dr. Jayaweera, patients were now in strict supervision. However, the results indicate the patient's prognosis is very good in condition. Dr. Jayaweera added, is currently not able to obtain information from the victim, how to survive during that time and how he obtained water between the piles of rubble. Monsigrace himself taken to the hospital on Monday and immediately treated the doctor in the emergency room. "Monday afternoon yesterday, the patient was brought by his family, he looked thin and dehydrated," he added. Doctor Jayaweera said, based on information from the victim's mother, Monsigrace found by people who at that time was to clean the debris. When found, Monsigrace very confused but there was no damage to the inside of his body.
"I think it describes people who are not desperate search for loved ones, they keep looking and keep hoping," explained Dr. Jayaweera. According to rescue team members, said Dr. Jayaweera, not possible to gain access to any food or water for 27 days in the rubble. Survived more than 10 days without water is very unusual. Earthquake victims in Haiti last life was a 16-year-old teenager named Darlene Etiene. He survived for 15 days without getting any food or drink until rescuers finally found him at last January 27, 2010.