
Sheryl Crow Ford Focus Racing Electricity use

| Sunday |

Jay Leno, the initiator segment 'Green Car Challenge "to challenge the celebrities in America to try out the Ford Focus BEV, on a track that is specifically created to drive an electric variant of the Ford. Drew Barrymore did it, Rush Limbaugh did it too. Now, turn Sherly Crow country singer who will help Ford to promote environment-friendly cars, Focus BEV. Sheryl Crow who accepted the challenge to drive a car quickly, to set a lap time tercepatnya, and then the other contestants will try to beat. Focus BEV is one of four electric vehicles Ford, which also gives a signal that Ford will soon be marketed in North America starting next year 2011. Especially for those artists racing event, the Ford Focus BEV deliberately send it to Dearborn, Germany, where the engineers began to prepare for the installation of these electric cars for 6 weeks. The result, Sheryl Crow will be driving a car with a sophisticated electric powertrain, a zero-emission vehicle BEV Ford Focus, which has almost the same energy with the Ford Mustang V-6 2010. Energy can be used for household electric power for 24 hours straight, which when used in everyday usage, the Ford Focus can travel a distance of 80 miles with the power to reach 141 dk.

Obama Admit Delayed Closing Guantanamo Prison

President of the United States (USA) Barack Obama for the first time admitted that the U.S. will not meet the deadline closing Guantanamo prison in January 2010 as previously promised. This he said during an interview with some of the media during the visit in Asia. Obama said he was not disappointed with the decline of this closure schedule. Because he believes, is very difficult to achieve this closure. Obama was answering a comment that had been speculation emerged that the deadline for closure of Guantanamo going backwards. Obama did not say when the new deadline for closing Guantanamo. But he said the possibility of closure will be done after the year 2010. "We've got a special deadline but dashed," Obama told NBC's "