
CES 2010 Adobe brought Flash to All Android 10

| Sunday |

Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in 2010, the Adobe Flash 10 has been brought to all Motorola's Android platform. Targeted at the end of 2012, all the Android platform has to embedded software is Adobe. Adobe announced that, along with the launch of Motorola Backflip. Related to this is Adobe also make cooperation with the Open Screen Project, to bring Flash Player 10 embedded in the Android platform. Previously said that the final version of Adobe's Flash is not only going to support Mac OS X, Windows, Linux but also a few smartphones that have compatibility. Now the plan has been running. All of the popular hardware-based decoder, H.264video format, which Adobe claims more save battery life and improve performance. Flash player is claimed 10.1 will bring the process more tightly integrated in the computer. An example can be used in applications touch screen, microphone audio data, rendering web pages with HTML5and CSS version 3, and using UDP networking.

Sony Released 'Green'Laptop Made from Plastic Bottle
Sony has its own ways of making eco-friendly laptop. No need to always use the expensive raw materials, simply use the rest of recycled plastic bottles can. This has been implemented from the Japanese electronics giant is in their newer products, Vaio W Series. Specifically designed as a portable computer nan 'green', the device chassis is made from 20 percent recycled materials. One of them remaining plastic bottles that often becomes a pile of garbage. Sony President Stan Glasgow dare even boasted that anyarnya products are environmentally friendly. "Sony continues trying to make products more energy efficient and can reduce emissions of greenhouse gases," he said while showing off W Series in the event the International Consumer Electronics Show held in Las Vegas, United States. With dimensions of 10-inch screen and equipped by 250 GB hard drive, mini laptop is intended as a flagship for Sony mobile user but still want to exist in cyberspace. Sony itself has not officially sell the W Series. But those who are interested can submit a pre-order on the Sony site with a revenue stamp prices starting from U.S. $ 450.