
Euro Security Thinking After togo Case

| Monday |

shooting a Togo team bus hit a day before the ongoing African Cup 2010 follow affect 2010 World Cup preparations. How to guarantee the security of South Africa? The case of the shooting of Togo team is when the bus was traveling from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Angola, African Cup host in 2010. As a result of the shooting, the bus driver declared dead, while there are some players injured. Togo team also was considering to withdraw from Angola only in 2010. Horrific events of course not separated from the existing security situation in Angola and Africa generally. As an illustration, in the Cabinda region where the case occurred due to the raging armed separatist movements. Security is a major problem in Africa. Various kinds of armed conflict-maca backgrounds - ranging from economic motives, race to religion - still haunts the Black Continent. The case of Togo made a lot of eyes are now pointing to South Africa as a potential World Cup host in 2010. With the World Cup event of less than six months, doubts about the security must be answered by the country at the southern tip of the continent.
Historically, South Africa, too many bitter tasting many events related to the conflict. Racial segregation between blacks and white who had manifested in the form of apartheid is one of them. As an illustration, a survey conducted for the UN Agency Narcotics and Crime Problems (UNODC) in the period 1998-2000 states that South Africa is the second ranking state assault and murder cases (in different ways) in capita and number one in the case of rape per capita. Indeed, the survey was done 10 years ago, during which South Africa is still not too ready to hold themselves in the World Cup. But the statistics were still causing concern and a big question whether the implementation of the World Cup will take place smoothly without any security threat. Euro act quickly to send the National Police Chief Hamilton Mbheki Celle to Angola to study the case that just happened. "I was in Angola as a South African police chief, as well as the relations between the two organizations (PD committee and the committee Africa Cup of Nations). I came to learn about prevention efforts taken by the African Cup committee," said Celle. After the case against Togo, South Africa, like people who do not eat jackfruit but the stone affected. All they can do now is to win the trust of the world that they can hold a safe World Cup.
Photo: The situation in South Africa road, about 8 months ago, after the Presidential election in his title.