
Chrysler recall 365 000 units Jeep Wrangler in Worldwide

| Monday |

Jeep Wrangler car manufacturers do recall the Jeep Wrangler around 365 000 units worldwide. Most of the Jeep cars, about 290,000 are in circulation in the U.S. .

Chrysler had to pull back the legendary Jeep was due to leakage of brake oil. As quoted by CNN, Tuesday (06/08/2010) cars in the recall are the output Wrangler cars in 2006 until 2010, both versions of two doors or four doors.

Brake oil leakage is certainly dangerous because it can reduce power brakes. But Chrysler said the loss of braking power occurs only on one wheel cars only.

"The company did not find any incident, this victim-related injuries," the Chrysler statement.

Like other car manufacturers recall, Chrysler will notify owners worldwide Wrangler. Chrysler asked the owners to check their car to the nearest dealership.

Chrysler prior to recall as many as 285 000 cars in the U.S. due to electrical problems and also the withdrawal of 25 000 cars because of problems experienced by the gas pedal like Toyota