
Mazda Recall 280.000 Mazda3

| Saturday |

-Tokyo, The Japanese car manufacturer, Mazda Motor Corp. (MMC) will attract around 90,000 units or 89,882 units rather than the market Mazda3 Japan and China because it was found problem on its gasoline hose. Not only in China and Japan alone, 191,503 units of the Mazda3 has sold worldwide were ascertained to be repaired to avoid this damage-related incidents. With so total that must be repaired Mazda3also swell to more than 280 thousand units worldwide. To the Ministry of Transport of Japan, Mazda, as quoted from Reuters, Saturday (17/4/2010), explained that when driving a Mazda3 on the road rough and uneven sometimes oil hose rubbing against the protective panel radiator. Because of this, gasoline was likely to leak and can easily make a car can not be the starter. However, until now there has been no complaints or incidents about it. While the Mazda3 is rumored to be released in the U.S. market will not be in the recall. Because the market for Uncle Sam, Mazda Mazda3 selling with a different machine. Mazda will recall only the Mazda3 in the world outside America, according to security standards of each country.