
Save our world

| Saturday |

The sun along with the atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the earth, which makes our life on this earth can take place. Without this gas layer, the earth will become a dark frozen planet. Rays from the sun is used by plants to live and to grow, on the other hand, animals can not use solar energy directly, they depend on plants for food. Without plants there would be no animals, and without the sun there would be no plants. The sun does not only produce light and heat, but also other forms of radiation that is harmful to life on earth, fortunately most of this radiation never reaches the earth because it is blocked by the atmosphere. The ozone layer is a thin layer of gas that is located miles above the earth, which is a very important layer to filter the radiation-harmful radiation from the sun. However, these layers have now threatened, the chemicals that can destroy ozone come drifting in the atmosphere through the house, factory and our city. If these events do not we stop, it will be more solar radiation that can penetrate into, this means that the ecological disaster.